8 Most Profitable Blog Niches To Earn $100000 in 2021

Starting a blog can be your way out of the corporate world, it can be your way to spend more time with your family, to be location independent and travel the world.

It can be your place for creative writing, it can be so many great things. But at the beginning, everything is so overwhelming, especially the burden of making choices, not only the technical part of the process,

like which hosting provider to use, which website building platform and other things, but even a more difficult decision is to choose the blog Niche, or the main topic for your website,

you have to think of a Niche that will be Profitable, but at the same time, it has to be something that you’re genuinely interested in writing about.

Otherwise, you’ll have an early burnout as a blogger, I don’t know you personally, and I have no idea what you would be interested in writing about.

But I can tell you what are the most Profitable blogging Niches out there today.

 I will first tell you how to choose your blog Niche or topic. And we’ll talk about the eight most Profitable Niches to consider based on current trends and forecasts for this year and beyond.

Steps for choosing a blogging Niche

in this article, I will not even mention choosing any technical or design elements, marketing or other content related tasks, I will focus on the steps leading up to a topic decision or a Niche decision.

Step 1. Explore your interests and expertise

Explore your interests and expertise

It is important to choose a topic or a Niche for your blog that you’re passionate about, or at least interested in. Otherwise it can become very tedious and very quickly.

My advice is to explore the intersection of your interests and expertise, or your hobbies and past experience and so on with trending topics or what might interest others find a problem to solve, or a unique voice of yours to provide to your readers.

And you will be on the right track to focusing on a good and popular Niche or topic for your blog. 

Step 2. Monetization


So when you think about a blog topic that will make you money, you need to give some thought to your methods of monetization. How am I going to turn visitors of your blog and page use into source of your income?

popular options include advertising, affiliate or referral programs, making and selling your own products or services and alternative support methods such as Patreon?

Why you need to consider this in the context of blog Niche ideas? Well, it’s because the bathmat ization methods are different for different Niches.

For example, with a food blog or a home decor blog, the easiest way to start making money with it is with ads display ads on your site.

That’s possible because in these two Niches, you’re able to get tons of traffic from Pinterest, for example, in other more narrow or business related topics, you will not ever get as much traffic.

And in this case, making money with ads doesn’t make much sense, Because you can offer high ticket affiliate products or even sell your own services or digital products.

Step 3. Thinking about your competition

you likely will want to come up with a few blog Niche ideas when you brainstorm. And then you need to research one by one. It’s vital that you spend some time doing keyword research and looking at your competition.

How will you differentiate yourself some of the most Profitable blogging Niches have a lot of competition in them already. And if you don’t want to bring something unique to the table, then it might be really difficult to succeed with this blogging Niche.

Step 4. Getting started with your site

After everything what I said is done, you already chose your Niche, you need to actually get started on developing a plan for your blog. And this may seem obvious, but the step deserves some attention.

Figure out the scope of what you intend to cover in your blog and brainstorm important topics or areas related to your blogging Niches.

This will help you set up and make the best choices for things like design structure of your blog for marketing and other steps that will come later.

It’s always better to have an abundance of ideas within your chosen topic rather than to have just a few and of running out of content ideas.

After you started the blog, and as it comes to traffic generation to your new blog, you know that my advice is always start with Pinterest because it will give you the fastest results before even Google will start recognizing that your site even exists.

 And now that you know the steps for choosing a blogging Niche, I will tell you what are the most Profitable blogging Niches for this year, according to my opinion.

8 Most Profitable Blog Niche

1. lifestyle blogs

lifestyle blogs

I’m myself really confused about this term, And in the way I understand it, lifestyle blogs can include mommy or parenting blogs, as well as multi topic blogs that explore fashion, health and fitness, beauty and makeup and other topics.

lifestyle can also include topics specific to your everyday life professional or non blogging career provided that they have wide interest and appeal.

It also bears well with those of you who have extensive Instagram and Pinterest followings related to style fashion, food and life in general.

2. Food Niche

Food Niche

Food has a broad appeal, everybody needs to eat, By the way, that’s where food bloggers spend most of their time I guess in the kitchen.

They don’t only need to invent the recipe cook it but also to set up the lighting and make amazing photos that will make you click on their recipe photos.

And there are numerous monetization options depending on how you approach your food blog, and quite an extensive world of content opportunities as well.

Ideas include recipe blogs, fast meals specific health or diet trend related blogging topics, ethnic or cultural foods partialities, baking or savory focused blogs and many other ideas.

food bloggers usually make most of their income with display ads because the traffic volume has a huge potential in this Niche.

3. Personal finance

Personal finance

It’s also one of the most Profitable Niches for blogging. Everyone wants to know how to better manage their finances. It’s a weak area for so many of us as. This is an especially good blogging Niche.

If you have experienced yourself in personal finance. The potential topics within this blogging Niche are nearly unlimited.

It’s both evergreen and evolving as new technologies and services innovate the ways we earn money and we spend money and we manage money.

4. Business and marketing

Business and marketing

There are many professional blogs that focus on business and marketing. And often they do so on a very narrow slice of a sector for those topics

 And while it’s not at the top of our most Profitable blogging Niches for this year, it’s a fairly evergreen topic with a lot of potential. Depending on the approach you choose to take. You have a decently large audience built in that will be interested in your content.

And unlike some other blog Niches business and marketing also presents a wealth of opportunities for guest posting backlinks and driving traffic through established industry or trade group sites, making the marketing and outreach portion of running your blog much easier.

5. Health And Fitness Niche

Health And Fitness Niche

Year after year health and fitness remain high demand blog topics. It’s a pretty broad way to define the Niche, which includes diet, nutrition, exercise routines, fitness equipment, and many more things within this Niche.

And all these topics offer the potential for easy monetization. Just a little note or a small tip from me if you are interested in this Niche did not focus your entire blog on a particular diet or fitness technique, as those things trends to be changing frequently.

7. Fashion and beauty

Fashion and beauty

Fashion is a wide open world. It may crossover with several other topics on our Niche list. But you can get extremely specific and personal in your fashion blogging.

You could focus on your own sense of style or highlight specific looks or designers, Perhaps you’re more interested in bargain fashion and putting together the best hole for the lowest price.

This category has so many potential opportunities, as well as synergies with Pinterest and YouTube content, especially if you have an existing audience for unboxing whole videos, wardrobe or design looks or anything like that.

8. Travel blogs

Travel blogs

Travel blog remain very popular but we don’t know how the world will leave after this pandemic. As many travel bloggers and traffic to their sites was affected truly in this period.

Even though this year the Niche will be definitely affected. I will hope that the travel Niche will remain one of the most Profitable Niches in the years to come.

9. DIY and Home decor

DIY and Home decor

It’s also a fairly large blogging Niche that includes DIY home improvement, all the way down to specific crafts or speciality is like meeting pawtree and more if you create and sell items that you make, this is an ideal blogging Niche for you to choose.

And also if you’re a trained expert in carpentry, plumbing, electrical or auto repair, or any other home improvement skills, and you can bring that expertise to an approachable and informative blog then you should also look at the snitch.

 if you have any questions you’d like to ask me, the best way to do it is to go in the comment section below this Article.

An aspiring MCA student formed an obsession with Blogging, SEO, Digital Marketing, and Helping Beginners To Build Amazing WordPress Websites.

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