Learn SEO In 2021: Beginner’s Guide To SEO

SEO maybe this is your first time you’re hearing about this word, or maybe you know a bit about this and you want to learn SEO, Or maybe you are an SEO expert and want to see what more someone can explain about SEO,

 I’m going to show you some of the points in SEO that no one is going to tell you even in the premium course, So let’s learn about SEO.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization, there are three things that are included in SEO

  • The First one is search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others.
  • The second one search queries that people type when the search appears in a search engine.
  • The Third one is websites that rank on the first page of search engines with these queries.

SEO is the process of optimizing a website so that website can rank on the first page of the search engine with the targeted keywords of that website so that this website can receive organic or you can get free traffic.

Benefit Of getting traffic?

1. If you’re running a business, you can sell your products or services, courses, branding, or anything.

2. You can build the online reputation of your brand or company.

3. You can promote affiliate products and generate income,

4. You can create a niche blog and make money with programs like Google AdSense.

Let’s understand SEO with an example and see how much profit you can generate with SEO.

Example one

Suppose you are running a Digital Marketing Training Center in Mumbai and you provide digital marketing classroom training in your institute.

I will use SEMrush to research how many people search for digital marketing training from your city Mumbai, SEMrush is an excellent tool for keyword research, website audit, and competitor analysis.

Now suppose after doing SEO, your website ranked on the first results on the first page of Google. Now the post result of the first page receives around 30% CTR.

That is click-through rate it means your website will receive 1320 visitors in a month from this single keyword. If you consider 2% conversion then around 26 people will join your digital marketing courses every month.

A good digital marketing training cost around 40,000. So you can get a potential business of around 10 lakh rupees from a single keyword, digital marketing course in Mumbai.

Example. 2

suppose you are doing affiliate marketing and you have published a post on how to start a blog on your affiliate website.

Now you are an affiliate of a web hosting company and you are promoting the web hosting of that company within this post.

If you research this keyword, how to start a blog on SEMrush you will find the monthly searches around 22,000 and many similar keywords.

If your website ranks first on the first page, you will receive around 6600 visits on your post and if you consider just 1% conversion, then you will get 66 conversions every month.

$3,300 per month is the average commission for promoting this web hosting. So you will make around $3,300 from a single keyword.

If you consider other keywords, you can imagine your earnings

Example. 3

you are running a niche blog and Google AdSense is your main source of income. Now consider you have written a post on how to earn money online on your website.

According to SEMrush. There are around two lakh searches every month for this keyword. If your website ranks first on the first page, then you receive around 60,000 visits on your website.

If I consider 3% CTR on AdSense ads, then around 1800 people will click on your ads on this post. You can see the CPC of this keyword is 44 cents, Google pays 68% of what advertisers pay to Google.

So you will receive 68% that is 30 cents for every click and your total earnings will be 540 dollars, you will earn five per dollar from a single keyword how to earn money online, you can imagine your earning if you rank with more keywords.

I personally rank for similar keywords. So I know the potential is more than this calculation. These are the examples with single keywords.

I’m sure you get the idea of what is SEO and how much is the potential of SEO. Now we’ll see how to do SEO and how to get lots of targeted traffic on your website.

If you want to rank any website and Google or any search Then you need to follow an algorithm created by Google algorithm is a set of rules or a step by step procedure to complete a specific task.

In SEO, this specific task is ranking a website in a search engine. There are around 200 factors or signals you can say and Google algorithm, Google uses the signals to rank all the websites and the world with different keywords.

But all 200 signals do not have equal importance. Some factors play an important role in ranking and some factors are least important. You can categorize these 200 signals into three parts, Or you can say there are three major parts of SEO.

Types of SEO

There are three types of SEO, Let’s learn quickly about all three parts of SEO and we will also know how it works.

1. On-site SEO

On-site SEO


Everything that you do on your website, other than content is included in technical SEO. Here are some of the important things included in technical SEO that you apply on your website to perform better in search engines.

1. Domain name and server location,

Whether it’s your name, or some keyword, or a brand name, and domain name plays a role in SEO, So similarly, your hosting company also plays an important role in your SEO, so choose it wisely.

If you are just beginning I will recommend hosting or Bluehost. This is good for starters, and you can get it for as low as a dollar per month.

2. PageSpeed

PageSpeed is a crucial factor in SEO. If your website is slow, Google is not going to love your website. If your website is on WordPress, you can use cache plugins to speed up your website.

You can also try AMP on your website to make it ultra-fast.

3. Site architecture

You need to focus on your site to structure your categories navigation tags, sitemap breadcrumbs. All these things help to make a proper site structure.

4. Schema Markup

Did you observe some different results in Google when you search for queries related to people things or places, for example, rich snippets along with results?

This is very useful to beat your competitor and you can achieve this with the help of schema.

5. SSL Certificate

SSL helps you to convert your website from HTTP to HTTPS. HTTPS means this website is secure and encrypted. This is important in building trust with your website visitors,

6. Mobile friendly and responsive

Google is now using mobile-first indexing that means the mobile version of your page is used for indexing and ranking.

So you need to be serious about this, your website should be mobile-friendly, you can find various themes like GeneratePress, that is not only mobile-friendly but very fast.

7. 404 errors

if you delete some pages on your website, and if people visit such deleted pages, then they will find 404 errors on your website you need to find all 404 error pages on your website and fix this

8. Broken links

In the same way when you keep on adding posts to your website. You give his outbound links from these posts, but if website owners deleted these pages, or even close the website, your website visitors will get broken links when they visit these websites from your post.

Google does not like this. You need to find all the broken links from your website and fix them.

9. Robots.txt file and sitemap robots

Txt is like the entry out of your website for search engines. You give this file at the root of your website and this is used to instruct robots on how to crawl your website.a 

sitemap is like a map of your website. This includes all of the URLs on your websites like posts and pages, images, videos, and other files, categories tags, and authors.

There are various tools and plugins that help you to build a sitemap for your website. You can submit your sitemap in Google Search Console and add the same in your records or txt file,

you need to set all these things only once if your website’s technical SEO is perfect. It does not mean your website will rank in Google perfect technical SEO makes your website eligible to rank in Google.

2. On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO

After technical SEO, you need to follow another next step that is on-page SEO. Now learn about on-page SEO.

in on-page SEO you need to optimize individual posts and pages on your website. So next time when you publish a post, you can follow these checklists for doing on-page SEO.

1. Quality Content

your content should be engaging and satisfying to the reader’s optimized keywords. You need to optimize each and every page of your website for the keywords you’re targeting on respective pages, SEMrush is an excellent tool for keyword design.

3. Post structure and headings

Your post should have a proper structure and you need to use the title in heading one and subheadings in h2,h3 or h4

4. light images with Alt text

Use good images with all tags that help search engines to understand your image.

5. Internal and External links

You must interlink relevant articles with you within your post and add useful links to other authority websites. internal links are good for reducing bounce rate and increasing engagement.

6. Short URL

Your website URL must be short and claim you should target the main keyword in your URL.

7. Meta tags

One of the most important ways to target your keywords in Google is by adding your main keyword or LSI keywords in your meta title and meta description, you’re going to use online tools or WordPress plugins like rank math.

These plugins also help to show you the score of on-page SEO. If you follow all these steps, that means you’re doing good on-page SEO for your content.

If your website is on WordPress, then you can use plugins like Yoast or rank math that help you for better on-page SEO.

on-page SEO is not difficult. You’ll be an expert after your practice and some of the posts on your website.

3. Off-page SEO 

Off-page SEO 

If your technical SEO and on-page SEO is good, then some of the posts on your site where your target longtail and low difficulty keywords will start ranking on Google.

But there are many keywords that do not rank even after excellent on-page SEO, and where the next type of SEO comes, And that is off-page SEO

Off-page SEO is something you need to do away from your website. Most people use another Off-page SEO and that is link building.

Link Building is not the only thing in off-page SEO but it’s the most important thing.

1. Link building

link building means creating or earning backlinks for your website, on other websites. backlinks are the most important factors among 200 factors in Google’s algorithm.

Backlinks are like voting in the eyes of Google, more backlinks mean more votes and that helps to rank your website in Google.

But all backlinks do not have equal importance in Google’s algorithm. Some backlinks have very high value, some backlinks have average or neutral value.

And some backlinks can have negative values, Most people do not have clear idea about good or bad backlinks, people think that a high DA website is always good and a low DA Website backlink is not good,

 So now you know what is SEO and the Type of SEO and how to rank your website and get traffic with SEO.

An aspiring MCA student formed an obsession with Blogging, SEO, Digital Marketing, and Helping Beginners To Build Amazing WordPress Websites.

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