Machine learning is a really popular field in tech right now. And a lot of people are trying to learn it and even trying to get jobs in Machine learning.
In fact, daily, I get messages from people asking me how they can learn Machine learning, and how they can boost careers in Machine learning.
Now, usually, I’m the first person to tell you that, you know, Machine learning is a field with a lot of potential, and you should definitely get into it.
But today, I’m going to tell you why you should not learn Machine learning.
First Reason
The number one reason why you should not learn Machine learning is if you’ve simply fell for all the hype around it, and you have a sort of FOMO over it. Machine learning has an incredible amount of hype around it.
And in fact, so many experts have kind of claim that, you know, it’s going to give you all the solutions to all the world problems. Well, it’s not once the hype actually dies down, you might actually just lose interest over it.
So don’t actually get into something like Machine learning simply because you believe this is gonna be the next big thing. A lot of companies are doing this. And in fact, so many startups have popped up just over a couple of years, who have claimed to somehow integrate Machine learning into their service.
Now, I’m sure there’s a lot of real legitimate startups who have done so but many of them just use the word Machine learning simply to get investors.
Second Reason
The second big reason why you should not get into Machine learning is if you don’t have a plan. So what do I actually mean by that? I’ve seen so many students who have started learning Machine learning, they simply did not have a plan.
And that has caused them, I believe, to give up way, way easier than other students who have had a plan in mind.
So the learning curve for something like Machine learning is really great. So if you have a plan to begin with, from the very beginning, it’s going to make things a lot easier for you. And it’s going to make things a lot clearer for you.
Because there’s so much information out there. If you know exactly what you plan on doing with a skill set, like Machine learning from the get go, it’s gonna make things so much easier for you.
The thing with a lot of beginning Machine learning courses is that they cover a lot of different aspects of Machine learning.
Like for example,image recognition, computer vision, time series forecasting. So these all these different things can actually solve very, very different problems. So it really helps you know exactly what kind of problem you’re intending to solve.
So that it saves you a lot of time and effort. So you are focusing all your time on learning exactly the thing that you need to learn. So that’s the biggest thing here, find out what kind of problem you want to solve with Machine learning.
Third Reason
The Third reason why you should not get into Machine learning is simply because you believe that, you know, it’s going to give you a high paying job, not to get me wrong, and there are tons of high paying jobs in Machine learning.
It’s simply that these high paying jobs have a really high barrier of entry, as well. So for example, if you look at a company like Google, most of its Machine learning jobs requires you to have a PhD to begin with.
So think about all the time and effort it goes into getting a PhD and think about all the money that goes in the financial investment that went into getting a PhD.
It would then make sense that obviously these jobs do pay really well. Now, that doesn’t mean that you need to get a PhD to get a career in this Field.
A lot of Machine learning engineers, they usually start off as data analysts or data scientists, where the pay is not as high. But it’s definitely along the lines of what a software developer would get.
Fourth Reason
The last and final reason why you should not learn Machine learning is if you believe that by learning Machine learning, it’s going to be way easier for you to get a job.
Now, I know that over the next decade or so the number of jobs in Machine learning is going to increase exponentially.
And obviously there’s going to be a great deal of demand for Machine learning engineers to fill these roles.
But one thing for sure the the barrier of entry for these jobs are not going to decrease by any means it’s still going to remain pretty high.
That being said, there’s so many new resources that are being made available for developers and also for beginners, To start learning Machine learning, which is great news,
however, it still is remains to be said that a lot of the new Machine learning jobs which have come out, they’re not exactly entry level roles.
In fact, they asked for a minimum of five years of experience at either as a data analyst or data scientist, or some sort of experience dealing with data. In particular,
this Articleis not to discourage you guys, I hope that because of this Article, your goals and your path in learning has become way more clear.
I think the biggest takeaway from this Article that you guys should understand is that having an end goal in mind is really important.
And also knowing exactly the kind of problem that you would want to solve with Machine learning is the biggest thing that you should know.
I hope you guys enjoyed this Article and I hope it was really helpful for you guys. If you have any questions, leave them down in the description box below.